Due to some irritated eye issues, today is going to be about brush maintenance!
Brushes are a pivotal part of makeup application. A good brush can make up for a poor performing product and a great brush can be kept for years, so it's important to take the proper care of your kit.
When you use a brush it can have a large build up of product, bacteria and a lot of other not so fun things that you probably don't want to think about. Now if you're just using them on yourself, constant sanitation may not be your goal, but keeping them in top shape is always a good idea.
The key to proper brush maintenance is knowing what your brush is used for, knowing what your brush is made of, and knowing how to keep it in shape. Some brushes do not benefit from constant washing, some only require spot cleaning, and some should be cleaned for every application.
Face brushes are important to keep clean. Think of all the oils and bacteria on your face. Think of all the oils and bacteria that can transfer. A dirty brush is a haven for bacteria to multiply and it can wreak havoc on an acne prone skin. It's important to keep whatever is going to be in contact with your face clean. These are the ones I'd recommend cleaning the most often. Eyeshadow brushes should be washed, but it's not necessary to wash them every use. You can spot clean a brush enough so that you can keep using it without worrying about the muddying of colours on it.
There are differing opinions on what to use to clean your brush, and with so many options who is to know whose choices are the best. What I'm suggesting are just some products that work well for me.
Johnson's Baby Shampoo: This is a cheap option for a nice deep clean. I usually use this once a week for my worst brushes, to get them nice and spotless for the new week.
MAC Brush Cleaner: This is good for a spot clean when you don't want to deep clean your brush, but I find it still has a drying period so it doesn't really help when you need a clean brush immediately.
Cinema Secrets Brush Cleanser: This is amazing for instant spot cleaning. It does have a strong vanilla like scent but your brushes are immediately dry and ready to use again. I like this when I have to switch between colours with my favourite brush.
Dove Bar Soap: This is what I use to clean my Beauty Blender and blending sponges. It gets them clean, it's gentle and what else can I ask for?
How often do you clean your brushes?
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